About me

My name is Andrew but most people call me Andy, even my mother has started calling me by that – guess I’m finally off the naughty step!
I have a wide range of interest that has led me to learn many things from marketing and branding to website design, and business strategy to what makes people behave the way they do. This somewhat unique package helps my clients in ways that your typical mentor, coach or consultant could not.
I do so in my own unique style, sometimes through guidance and questions that orientate, other times if the situation calls for it I’ll be more direct, and if need be I’ll roll my sleeves up and get right there in the trenches alongside you. All is delivered with a somewhat sense of edgy sense of humour (so I’ve been told) and kindness.
Long term business value is created by creating a foundation of sustainable values
There is so much talked about marketing tactics and growth hacks out there on the web, you only have to see the posts that trend on social media to see where the majority of people’s mindset are.
The thing is that this focuses too much on short term transactions rather than long term relationships, and chances are as many new potential customers you bring in the top of your ‘funnel’ you’ll be losing them faster than a leaky bucket.
Too many businesses worry about their website before they know what their business model is, how they are going to scale before they’ve even got one customer and pricing… how to be cheaper than their competitors. This is rarely the answer as my clients have with my help discovered.

What qualifies me?
I could answer by saying I’ve run projects from the very small to rather large, or that I’ve managed large teams across multiple regions, or maybe that I’ve run several businesses… but that is just some of the bollocks I’ve done in my past. Neither that nor my MBA or my Master Practitioner in NLP really mean anything in of themselves.
The biggest thing is I’ve failed, not once or twice but lots! In so doing I’ve learnt along the way. Take my internet startup failure that was going to be the next Facebook (yeh right), I learned the importance of Customer Development and UX (User Experience). As a result I became a co-organiser of the Lean Startup Circle in London and delivered workshops to several hundred over a couple of years.
You see many people learn things but don’t ever take the necessary action to apply it in practice, understand the nuances and combine it with existing learning. As a result consider me like the Swiss Army knife (not the one with the toothpick and tweezers the practical one) or a multi-tool if you will, just a lot more powerful.
What kind of clients have you worked with?
I’m currently working with a range of clients including an English ski school that operate in the French Alps, a property development company, a data dashboard company, and a small batch bespoke dog food company. Though I have worked with a number of other individuals and businesses over the years.
I’ve taken products from concept to launch, helped with messaging and brand identity, re-designed websites, validate business models and tested pricing, coached on leadership and people management, and help people deal with their mindset blockers that hold them back.
I am however picky about who I work with both at a personal and business level, there must be an alignment with my core values as well as a willingness to trust, learn and apply.

What’s my biggest f-up (so far)?
That would probably be blowing a load of money and several years of my life running a parcel delivery franchise, which I bought with a (still) good friend just at the time the financial crash of 2007/8 hit. We bought into the idea of a growing business in a growing market, and the reality could not have been further from the truth.
It taught me a number of things, well probably enough to fill a couple of books, including that if things are not working then you need to draw a line in the sand rather than carry on throwing your time, money and energy trying to turn around a sinking ship. It also gave me great insights into people and their psychology, running a sales team and what does and doesn’t work in marketing.
In the end shutdown the business, a painful experience for sure but one of life’s lessons. Still much larger competitors fell in a cut-throat marketplace such as Citylink and DHL.
What are my favourite books?
This is a tricky question I get asked a fair bit, so I’ll give the consultant answer which is to say it depends. Probably easier to answer a different question which is what books am I recommending to people at the moment.
Tribes by Seth Godin – An inspiring read as to why you should build a loyal fan base by taking a stand in something you believe in. Seth has written some great books and this one some people have created an entire career spinning out what is in this one book!
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday – Most of us are ruled by our ego and will do things to defend it even at the detriment to ourselves and others. This is my go to book to ground people and have committed to re-consuming annually.

What do I do when not working?
When I’m not working with clients or working on one of my side projects (it only takes one idea well executed to change the world), I like spending time with family and friends.
Our Boxer is very much part of our family, and rightly demands my attention. This largely constitutes walking, playing with or snuggling up to him.
Other than that I enjoy cooking, eating and drinking reasonably priced good quality red wine. That is probably about the size of it, though am partial to travelling and going to listen to live music.
Final thoughts
If I could give you three thoughts to go away with that if you embodied have the power to change your life they would be (in no particular order):
- What other people say [about you] says more about their map of the world and what is possible for them than yours
- You cannot change people you can only point to insights and truths, they land for them when they are ready
- Be humble and curious, there is always more to learn and by suspending judgement you allow for that learning
If you’ve read this far, wow, most people don’t have the attention span in this modern age of constant channel hopping, scrolling and swiping.
Check out my musings which I generally post on LinkedIn and connect with me on social media if you want to carry on your journey with me.