Working with me
Initial steps
Whilst there are undoubtedly common themes that reoccur, every business and person is different. Your aspirations, challenges or strengths and weaknesses will likely be different.
It all starts with a conversation where we discuss what it is you’re looking for, whether I think this is something I can add value to, and for us both to get a feel for each other. There is no hard sell and no commitment on either of us to take anything further forward.
Discovery and break through session
Assuming after this conversation we want to further explore what it would mean to work together, then there is a simple application process that allows me to better understand how I can serve you which is generally followed up by a paid discovery and break through session.
Some people get enough value and insight from this session that they decide to implement the next steps by themselves. Where as others prefer to have me mentor and hold their hand through the process, helping them put the building blocks in place over a period of time.
Don't let anyone tell you that running a business is going to be easy, you've got a million plates spinning and got to keep your clients happy. As a coach myself I understand the importance of getting the right mentor.
For me Andy is that right mentor. He's helped us with strategy and prioritisation, always able to cut through things with a sense of calm and a cheeky comment. We would not want anyone else to work alongside us.
Ongoing support
My ultimate goal when working with any client is get them to the point where they no longer need me, like learning to ride a bike so to speak. I am not in the business in creating people that are dependent on me in the long term, once you’re off cycling and no longer need the training wheels so to speak I’m happy to let go!
That said there may be times you need some further support, be it a new launch or a new challenge has popped up like they do. This can be arranged as needed.
Do I have to already have a business?
I work people both on a personal basis and within a business context. If you’re looking to start a business I can help advise and mentor on that too.
People often under estimate the effort and funds it takes to launch a business from a cold start, depending on where you’re at the discovery and breakthrough session is enough to get you moving in the right direction.
Should you not have the funding to afford my mentoring then in rare circumstances after the discovery session I may consider a deferred payment and equity stake as an option.
I would say that Andy is the best thing since sliced bread but if there were no sliced bread he would have invented it and it would be toasted with butter!
Can honestly say that working with him has transformed my thinking and my business. Which is why he has been my go to guy over many many years. I refer to him as my secret sauce and have been reluctant to share him with anybody else.
How much do you charge?
If you’re asking this question then I’m possibly not for you, to steal the strap line from a marketing campaign or two, I’m reassuringly expensive but I’m worth it – just ask my clients. You can’t put a price on transformation as it can quite literally change your life.
The level investment required to work with me is largely dependent on where you’re at, where you want to be and what you need to get there.
Because my services are tailored to your needs and that of your business it would be wrong to compare my costs to that of say someone that would design you a pretty logo or build you a website or someone that works on your brand positioning. You get the point, and well if you don’t then yet again I’m probably not for you.
That said, I’m open to the possibility of some form of exchange of value as part payment.
What are the next steps?
If you feel that I can add value to you and your business in some way and want to explore it further then let’s connect, as it always starts with a conversation.